Blu Genes Foundation | Donate

Make a Donation

The parents of a baby diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease don’t care how rare it is.

You can help find a cure for Tay-Sachs disease and other currently incurable genetic disorders by supporting the BLU GENES Foundation.

The BLU GENES Foundation began because of a personal mission to find a cure for a rare and fatal genetic disorder called Tay-Sachs disease. But we quickly recognized a greater need. Many families are dealing with the impact of having a loved one who is affected by a rare genetic disorder. These families need hope.

The BLU GENES Foundation is raising funds to advance gene therapy and find a cure for genetic disorders, beginning with Tay-Sachs disease. We believe in offering hope where currently there is none.

You can help by making a Tax-Deductible donation to advance gene therapy now.

To make your gift by cheque, please make your cheque payable to Blu Genes Foundation and send to the attention of:
Emily Ye
Blu Genes Foundation
56 The Esplanade, Suite 308
Toronto, ON M5E 1A7

To make a gift of securities, please contact Nicola at Visit us online at or write us an email at

make a tax-deductible donation online today